
Journal of Administrative Law and Infrastructure | Revista de Direito Administrativo e Infraestrutura
The RDAI aims to deepen Administrative Law, with an emphasis on Infrastructure. It assumes a normative perspective of the legal phenomenon: it considers the Law to be a set of rules in force in a given territory. The central object of the journal is the norms in force in the Brazilian territory, that is, Brazilian Law. It also adopts, as a fundamental theoretical premise, that the aforementioned set of norms composes a system, endowed with unity, completeness, and coherence, with a hierarchical structure, with constitutional norms at the apex, so that the incompatibility of a lower norm with a higher one leads to the invalidity of the first. It, therefore, considers possible a scientific study of this normative set, to investigate: a) which norms make up the normative system; b) what is the meaning and scope of these norms; c) which of them are invalid due to incompatibility with higher standards.

Objectives, Values​​, and Mission
The RDAI takes a new constitutional perspective, believing that the normative system enshrines an objective order of values, binding on all legal practitioners; and a concrete premise, in the sense that every normative interpretation is conditioned by the reality to which the norm will be applied. Based on these premises, having as a guide, in particular, the possibility of a scientific analysis of the Law - whose main mission, it is insisted, is to investigate the existing rules, fix their content and scope, and identify which are valid -, the RDAI assumes the mission of contributing to the progress of the Science of Brazilian Administrative Law. As a necessary development of its primary mission, it is intended to contribute to the dissemination of the correct understanding of the rules of Administrative Law and, with that, to the improvement of relations between the Administration and the administered.

Political Conception and Ethical Principles
The RDAI also starts from an ethical-constructivist perspective, in the sense that the correct interpretation, to be revealed by the Science of Law, takes place from the opposition of ideas, in an incessant debate among scholars on the subject. With this in mind, it adopts a radically pluralist and democratic posture. It is not affiliated with a previous ideology or a specific current of doctrine. On the contrary: it assumes as a prerequisite for scientific development the necessary understanding of the different currents of thought.

Line of Research and Theoretical
The scientific activity requires serious critical analysis and this presupposes knowledge of divergent positions. This perspective is emphasized here: by fundamental theoretical presupposition, the RDAI encourages the publication of different theoretical positions, based on different conceptual premises. The correct interpretation will be discovered, it is believed, not by the revelation of an theorist, from individual inspiration, but by the debate among scholars on the subject, the respectful confrontation of arguments and counter-arguments.

Scope of Analysis
It also recognizes, as a premise, the importance of comparative law for the correct understanding of Brazilian norms. Without disregarding the aforementioned concrete perspective, and the conditioning of the local reality inherent to it, many of the institutes incorporated in Brazilian legislation were and are debated in the alien law. Furthermore, many of the problems faced by the Brazilian Administration and administered are similar to those faced in other States. Reflections regarding foreign law are, therefore, assumed to be fundamental for national scientific development. Consequently, the RDAI has the intention of disseminating foreign scientific studies related to the theme of the journal.

Theory Delimitation
The RDAI emphasizes the theme of infrastructure, considered a necessary structural element for the development of contemporary society, such as transport systems - highways, public transport, railways, ports, airports -, basic sanitation - sewage, water distribution network, collection and waste treatment, drainage –, public lighting, communication – post and telegraph, telecommunications, radio broadcasting of sounds and sounds and images –, energy production and distribution – oil, natural gas, pre-salt, hydroelectric plants. From this example, the vastness of the theme of infrastructure is evident. The theoretical deepening of its legal regime is vital for increasing legal certainty and, therefore, for greater economic development in the country.

Analysis methodology
Infrastructure impacts people's lives daily. Combining economic development with improved quality of life is the greatest challenge imposed on those who have the duty to improve the national infrastructure. The comparative study, in this aspect, reveals the successes and failures of large infrastructure projects carried out around the world, enabling, with the necessary adaptations, their adequate implementation in our country. Developing infrastructure projects that meet society's expectations and provide satisfactory concrete results, beneficially altering citizens' lives, and allowing the country to be competitive in the international market, is the main objective to be achieved through the scientific deepening of the respective sectorial standards.

Emphasis on Legal Research
Despite its thematic emphasis, the RDAI is, firstly, a Journal of Administrative Law and, secondly, of Infrastructure. The order here has its raison d'être: it is intended for the theoretical deepening of all themes related to Administrative Law, and not just the theme directly associated with infrastructure. This is because all of them, in a more or less direct way, interfere with it. Indeed, it is intuitive that each of the sectorial fields of infrastructure is closely associated with every theme of administrative law. As an example, every infrastructure sector is linked to the themes of public services, public goods, public agents, administrative organization, etc. The deepening of the Science of Administrative Law, with an emphasis on the theme of infrastructure, requires the deepening of the theory of law. This aspect is commonly disregarded in specialized publications in the area, but it is the keynote of the RDAI's editorial line. Its scientific vocation values ​​the conceptual analysis and, therefore, the deepening of the institutes in the light of the theory of law. Precisely for this reason, the RDAI opens itself to the publication of studies on the theory of law considered important for the scientific progress of Administrative Law.

Results presentation
It is believed that the objectives of the journal will not be achieved only with the publication of scientific articles. Other approaches prove to be quite effective in deepening the scientific debate. Therefore, the RDAI intends to publish: a) opinions; b) jurisprudential comments; c) bibliographic reviews; d) brief doctrinal comments; e) interviews with big names in Brazilian Administrative Law and infrastructure; f) recent normative diplomas; g) comments on normative texts.

Search area
Administrative Law and Infrastructure Law are built not only in the Academy but in practical application, in the daily forensic and administrative. Opinions elaborated by selected jurists on the exegesis of administrative norms have an indisputable scientific value. Furthermore, the knowledge and examination of relevant judicial and administrative decisions, the review of currently published works of doctrine, the presentation, and comments on recently published normative diplomas are of extraordinary relevance for improving the debate. The legal scientist needs to know what the new normative texts are, how they have been applied, what new works on the subject are. The RDAI, despite being primarily a scientific journal and, consequently, primarily intended for the publication of academic studies, finally opens itself to the publication of other legal productions considered useful for the scientific debate.

Expected impact
Science is the result of a long process of reflection; Science is not done with contempt for the advances obtained so far. Sensitive to this, the RDAI intends to rescue the studies that marked Brazilian Administrative Law. The republication of these studies – true “watersheds” in the respective themes – is of great benefit to scientists. Only with due attention to what has already been produced can one go forward. This is not just a tribute to those who made Science advance, it is an important service to researchers and legal practitioners. Of course, revisiting these magnificent works facilitates their access to academic youth, which can be of inestimable service to scientific progress.

Editorial Line
With this editorial line, the Coordinators are absolutely convinced that the RDAI will fulfill its mission. However, this vehicle will only fulfill its role if it contributes in some way for the Brazilian State to achieve its constitutional objectives, detailed in Article 3 of CF/88. Ultimately, the RDAI invokes for itself the same objectives imposed on the Brazilian State: build a free, fair, and solidary society, guarantee national development, eradicate poverty and marginalization and reduce social and regional inequalities, promote the good of all, without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination. Based on the premises set forth herein, the work will not be carried out individually. All, without exception, scientists and legal practitioners, regardless of party, ideology, or line of thought, are invited to embark on this great journey towards the scientific deepening of this fundamental branch of the legal sciences.

Coordenação Científica-Editorial / Scientific-Editorial Coordination
Ph.D Augusto Neves Dal Pozzo  
ORCID iD iconOrcid ID: 0000-0001-8891-7080
CV Lattes ID: 8400747913137295

Ph.D Ricardo Marcondes Martins   
ORCID iD iconOrcid ID: 0000-0002-4161-9390  
CV Lattes ID: 3442362906177938

Ph.D Alexandre Godoy Dotta   
ORCID iD iconOrcid ID: 0000-0003-1781-1726
CV Lattes ID: 4830921845612030   

Conselho Consultivo  -  Conselho Editorial