Urban Law as a tool to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil: impacts of the sanitary crisis in the cities and the unequal geographical and social fragilities of the urban population
Urban Law – Covid-19 – City Statute – Urban vulnerabilities – Law 10,257/2001Abstract
The general objective of this research is the observation of the Urban Law used in the edition of the City Statute as an instrument to confront the negative effects that the habitable urban spaces and the population in their social and economic relations were affected by the health crisis caused by the pandemic of Covid-19. In this context, it specifically seeks to verify some impacts of the pandemic facing the unequal geographical and social distribution of cases in Brazil and understand fundamental precepts of Urban Law in order to enable reflections about its instrumentalization for the promotion of better living conditions in cities. Sequentially, it aims to visualize Urbanistic Law as being capable of reducing the impacts of the health crisis that has unequally affected the most vulnerable portions of the population. To this end, this research is built through exploratory qualitative research, supported by the inductive scientific method and based on the collection of bibliographic and documentary data.
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