Constitutional theory of the state-owned enterprises – 2nd part
Constitutional theory of the state-owned enterprises – 2nd part
state-owned enterprises, mixed-capital companies, public enterprises, fraudulent distortionsAbstract
The regime of state-owned enterprises must be understood in the light of the Constitution. In this study, several aspects were fixed: state-owned enterprises never present themselves as authentic concessionaires. There is no state-owned enterprise that is fully governed by the rules of the private law. The regime of companies that were created under the terms of the Article 173 of 1988 Brazilian Constitution is not to be confused with the regime of companies that explores federal monopolies. There are a number of constitutional conditionings on the institution of a state-owned enterprise or its participation in a private company. There is an implicit conformation in the Constitution of both public companies and mixed-capital companies. The mixed capital company´s private capital does not make its business aspect prevail over its state aspect.
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