The “Third Sector” as a new modality of social intervention: the withdrawal of the right of citizenship and the State duty
O “Terceiro Setor” como uma nova modalidade de intervenção social: o retiro do direito de cidadania e o dever do Estado
Third Sector, Social Inssue, Social Policy, State Reform, Social RightsAbstract
This article deals with the so-called “Third Sector”, not as an alternative opposed to the State and the market, but as an ideological project to change the constitutional foundations of intervention in the “social issue”, of a state action, through social policies, founded on the right of citizenship and the State duty, as stated in the Constitution of 88, for voluntary and “solidary” action, in civil society (transformed into an abstract and ideological “third sector”) or in the market, according to the neoliberal program. Thus, we evaluate what is behind the so-called “third sector”, and its functionality with the neoliberal counter-reforms of the State.
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