Public contracts in the new bidding framework (Statute no. 14,133/2021): flexibilization of the annual fees for greater administrative efficiency?
Public procurement – Multi-year administrative contracts – Budgetary annuality – Administrative efficiencyAbstract
The enactment of Law 14,133/2021 represented a new milestone in Brazilian Administrative Law, touching on Financial Law, whose intersection will be highlighted here, from its articles 105 to 108, concerning the multi-year duration of administrative contracts. The problem lies in the possible disagreement between these changes and Brazil’s financial system, especially the annual budget rule, which is confronted with the principle of administrative efficiency. The hypothesis statues that there are a compatibility with the Constitution, with no violation of budgetary annuality based on administrative efficiency in public contracts. The research proposes to address the causal relationship between changes in the rules governing public procurement and the principle of administrative efficiency. The study aims to investigate how the new contracting model, which transcends the fiscal year, relates to Brazilian Financial Law rules. The aim is to identify the changes introduced, explain the related budgetary principles and highlight the impact of these changes from the perspective of annuality and administrative efficiency. Finally, it highlights the relevance of these changes for administrative efficiency in public procurement.
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