The adoption of standard bidding documents as a tool for the promotion of transparency and competition in the Colombian Public Procurement System

The adoption of standard bidding documents as a tool for the promotion of transparency and competition in the Colombian Public Procurement System




In recent years there has been a trend within international organizations that advocates for the adoption of standardization criteria in public procurement processes as a measure to fight corruption. The present article exposes how with the Law 1882 of 2018 the Colombian State takes a big step in the implementation of good international practices and effective measures to promote transparency in the procurement processes with the adoption of standard bidding document for the procurement of public works, auditing for public works, auditing for consultancy of studies and designs for public works and engineering consultancy for works.

Author Biography

Juan David Duque Botero, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Distrito Federal, Colômbia)

Abogado de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia. Experto en Contratos del Sector Público por la Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, España. Máster en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad del Rosario. Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid, España. Docente titular de la cátedra de contratación estatal en pregrado, en la especialización de Derecho Administrativo y en la especialización de Contratación Estatal de la Universidad del Rosario. Director de la Agencia Nacional de Contratación Pública - Colombia Compra Eficiente.




How to Cite

BOTERO, Juan David Duque. The adoption of standard bidding documents as a tool for the promotion of transparency and competition in the Colombian Public Procurement System: The adoption of standard bidding documents as a tool for the promotion of transparency and competition in the Colombian Public Procurement System. Journal of Public Law and Infrastructure | RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 3, n. 10, p. 121–140, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Foreign Doctrine | Doutrina Estrangeira