Freedom of assembly in the light of the requirements of the effective democratic rule of law




Freedom of assembly and demonstration in a public place or open to the public – Restrictions on Freedom of Assembly: What is prohibited and permitted in Freedom of Assembly


This article analyzes the right to freedom of assembly in a public place or open to the public in the light of the dictates of the current model of an effective Democratic Rule of Law, considering its general aspects, its specific characteristics, and above all the requirements that stem from the modern rule of law effective for the exercise of freedom of assembly, especially based on the examples of the Portuguese Constitution (CRP) and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), but with general validity, because fully standardized by Western democracies, especially from the European Union. An analysis was made of the historical evolution of the right of assembly in Portugal, of the specific characteristics of the assembly in the face of the demonstration, addressing the freedom of assembly as a cultural freedom and a requirement for the realization of the human person. Legally relevant aspects of freedom of assembly were addressed, such as its recipients, the freedom to form the meeting, the freedom to choose when and where to meet in a public place or open to the public, the procedure for holding the meeting and of the demonstration and its restrictions. Finally, the suspension, prohibition, dissolution and dispersion of those who gather or demonstrate.

Author Biography

António Francisco de Sousa, Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

Doutor em Direito Público e Professor da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, Portugal.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, António Francisco de. Freedom of assembly in the light of the requirements of the effective democratic rule of law. Journal of Public Law and Infrastructure | RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 7, n. 26, p. 251–300, 2023. DOI: 10.48143/RDAI.26.sousa. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.



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