Risk allocation in contracts of Public-Private Partnerships in subways: the experiences of Lines 4 and 6 of São Paulo

Risk allocation in contracts of Public-Private Partnerships in subways: the experiences of Lines 4 and 6 of São Paulo


  • Carolina Maria Lembo Inter-American Development Bank (Washington, District of Columbia, USA)




PPPs in subways, Risk allocation, Lines 4 and 6 of São Paulo, Infrastructure, Project finance


The study aims to analyze the risk allocation in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in subways, based on the experiences of lines 4 and 6 of São Paulo. For this, the study in its first part summarizes the main doctrinal aspects of risks in PPP projects and raises attention points in the relationship between risk allocation and financiability. Next, it analyzes the federal and the Sao Paulo state laws, regarding the allocation of PPPs risks. The core of the paper is the analysis of lines 4 and 6 experiences, describing the main milestones, perceived risks and lessons learned in terms of risk allocation. The paper also proposes a comparison of the national and international context of risk allocation in PPPs in subways and presents a proposal of main success criteria to measure risk allocation in PPP contracts.

Author Biography

Carolina Maria Lembo, Inter-American Development Bank (Washington, District of Columbia, USA)

Doutora em Direito Internacional pela Universidades de São Paulo e pela Universidad de Barcelona (2014). Graduada pelo Programa de MBA em Parcerias Público-Privadas e Concessões (2018). Integrante da equipe de Parcerias Público-Privadas do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (Washington DC – EUA). clembo@IADB.ORG


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How to Cite

LEMBO, Carolina Maria. Risk allocation in contracts of Public-Private Partnerships in subways: the experiences of Lines 4 and 6 of São Paulo: Risk allocation in contracts of Public-Private Partnerships in subways: the experiences of Lines 4 and 6 of São Paulo. Journal of Public Law and Infrastructure | RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 3, n. 9, p. 63–97, 2019. DOI: 10.48143/rdai/09.cml. Disponível em: https://rdai.com.br/index.php/rdai/article/view/118. Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


