Les soubassements idéologiques de la notion d’ordre public éco-nomique

The ideological bases of the idea of economic public order





The idea of an economic public order has historically permeated the feelings of those who have devoted themselves to the analysis of state intervention in the economic sphere. Even at times of greater abstention from the State, one has never neglected the existence of an economic public order. However, the expression has only been ostensibly used by the European Court in its most recent judgments, suggesting that even in statutes that deliberately cherish economic freedom and competition, the idea of a public order governing economic relations is definitely present, and is not incompatible therewith. The present study aims to analyze the evolution of the legal content of economic public order.


Biographie de l'auteur

Jacques Chevallier, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) CERSA-CNRS (Paris, Ile de France, France)

Professeur émérite de l’Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2) CERSA-CNRS (Paris, Ile de France, France).
ORCID iD icon 0000-0001-6325-4911 | jacques.chevallier3@wanadoo.fr



Comment citer

CHEVALLIER, Jacques. Les soubassements idéologiques de la notion d’ordre public éco-nomique: The ideological bases of the idea of economic public order. Revista de Direito Administrativo e Infraestrutura - RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 3, n. 9, p. 217–230, 2019. DOI: 10.48143/rdai/09.chavallier. Disponível em: https://rdai.com.br/index.php/rdai/article/view/171. Acesso em: 22 juill. 2024.



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