The popular consecration in the inexigibility procedure for contracting musical artists
A consagração popular no procedimento de inexigibilidade para contratação de artistas musicais
Unenforceability, Bidding, Musical Artists, Administrative LawAbstract
The bidding, a question no longer restricted to the forensic society, principally nowadays in which it is involved in corruption scandals in Brazil, manifests itself as an indispensable tool for Public Administration. The present research offers a modest cut when proposing to study the inferencesof the popular consecration: this term formed from the junction of the legal criteria "consecrated by the specialized critic or public opinion", previously foreseen in art. 25, IlI, in Law 8,666/1993 and now in art. 74, lI, in Law 14, 133/2021, in the effort to find out which would be the most appropriating interpretations for hiring artists in the unenforceability procedure. For methodological purposes, was used bibliographical review of the subject, scientific studies, jurisprudence opinions, guides, manuais and other materiais edited by the official organs of Brazil. The scope of the research is limited to present the forensic society or to any interested party, the conflicts arising from the bidding process in or specific case, regarding the hiring of musical artists by the Public Administration in the current Brazilian legal context, seeking the construction of a reflection without giving any definitive conclusions.
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