Infrastructure, horizontal farms and sustainable penalty: alternatives for applying the semi-open regime

Infrastructure, horizontal farms and sustainable penalty: alternatives for applying the semi-open regime


  • Alexandre Coutinho Pagliarini Centro Universitário Internacional (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil)
  • Flávio Adriano Rebelo Brandão Santos Universidade Tiradentes (Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil)
  • Arthur Augusto Garcia Centro Universitário Internacional (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil)



Infrastructure, Vertical farm, Semi-open regime, Environment


This paper aims to establish new forms of exercise with a sentence for the semi-open regime, with the objective of innovating through the adoption of sustainable measures. With the idealization of vertical farms in the penitentiary perimeters, it is possible to establish a sentence serving that will allow the detainee to faithfully comply with his sanction, however inserted in the place of the sentence an environment with a more humanistic bias, while it will be in tune with an ecologically local balanced, allowing human development to be enshrined in harmony with the statutory provision in the Tax Enforcement Law. It is understood that a public policy of spreading this new form of serving time, replacing the obsolete penal colonies by vertical farms, will allow the detainee to grow vegetables, vegetables and other agricultural activities, while the final products of this cultivation will be reverted to food for other prisoners, or, even acquired by duly registered social actors, they can purchase the products harvested at a more inviting price by inserting them in their business, demonstrating that that social segment has social commitment, improving, above all, their image with consumers in general, especially those who demand a social reward from the business community for the dividends obtained. Furthermore, with the use of this technique, the detainee will have access to food without the addition of products that could compromise his health. According to articles 1, III combined with 170, of the CF, the sentence is now fully respected for the Dignity of the Human Person, with the innate appreciation of the human being, regardless of the primary role of the State, as far as it belongs. economic order to establish a development of the economy emphasizing and the valorization of human work ensuring a dignified coexistence between social justice, environmental protection and economy.

Author Biographies

Alexandre Coutinho Pagliarini, Centro Universitário Internacional (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil)

Professor Titular do Mestrado e da Graduação em Direito da UNINTER (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil). Doutor pela PUC-SP com Pós-Doutorado em Direito pela Universidade de Lisboa. Mestre em Direito pela PUC-SP.
ORCID iD icon 0000-0001-5257-2359 |


Flávio Adriano Rebelo Brandão Santos, Universidade Tiradentes (Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil)

Mestre em Direitos Humanos pela Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT, Aracaju, Sergipe). Professor da UNIT (Maceió, Alagoas), da Faculdade Sete de Setembro (Paulo Afonso/BA) e da Sociedade de Ensino do Nordeste (SEUNE).
ORCID iD icon 0000-0002-5047-9799 |

Arthur Augusto Garcia, Centro Universitário Internacional (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil)

Professor da Pós-Graduação lato sensu do Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER (Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil). Mestrando em Direito na linha Jurisdição e Processo na Contemporaneidade na UNINTER. Bacharel em Direito pela PUCPR.
ORCID iD icon


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How to Cite

PAGLIARINI, Alexandre Coutinho; SANTOS, Flávio Adriano Rebelo Brandão; GARCIA, Arthur Augusto. Infrastructure, horizontal farms and sustainable penalty: alternatives for applying the semi-open regime: Infrastructure, horizontal farms and sustainable penalty: alternatives for applying the semi-open regime. Journal of Public Law and Infrastructure | RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 5, n. 19, p. 215–232, 2022. DOI: 10.48143/rdai.19.acp. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



Infrastructure activity | Atividade de Infraestrututra