“Open house” contracts: The public purchase of medicines
“Open house” contracts: The public purchase of medicines
Open house contracts, supplier, contracting authority, pharmaceuticalsAbstract
In German legislation it is very common for so-called “open house” contracts to be signed in order to acquire pharmaceutical products, these contracts have the characteristic that they are celebrated without a prior tender for the selection of the supplier, here simply the contracting entity verifies that the latter comply with those who meet the requirements set for the satisfaction of the announced need. For its part, the interested supplier must not submit an offer, it must only demonstrate to the contracting entity that it complies with the budgets established for the conclusion of the contract. With the arrival of the health pandemic caused by COVID - 19, in Germany the authorities or contracting authorities have used this method in order to supply themselves with pharmaceutical products, they have entered into "open house" contracts for the supply of some products and later it will be the doctor, the pharmacist or the patient who chooses the provider of their choice.
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