Engineering service: a practical guide for bidding planning. Normative instruction guidelines application SEGES / MPDG N ° 5, OF 2017

Engineering service: a practical guide for bidding planning. Normative instruction guidelines application SEGES / MPDG N ° 5, OF 2017




engineering service, planning, Normative Instruction SEGES / MPDG nº 5, of 2017


The system of indirect execution of engineering works and services goes back to Decree-Law no. 200 of February 25, 1967, according to which management, in order to perform better the planning, coordination, supervision, and control tasks, and with the objective of preventing the excessive growth of the administrative machinery, it will seek to escape from the physical realization of executive tasks, using, whenever possible, indirect execution, by contract, provided there is in the area a private initiative sufficiently developed and qualified perform the execution (Article 10, §7). The final part of said Article is related to the legal bidding process for works, services, including engineering services, or supply of goods for the benefit of the public administration, except in cases specified in the legislation as exemption or unenforceability, a process that only admits, the requirements of technical and economic qualification indispensable to the guarantee of the fulfillment of the obligations. To scrutinize the necessary requirements for the instruction of the due legal process concerning the contracting of engineering services, with a focus on its planning, is the objective of this study.

Author Biography

Marinês Restelatto Dotti, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)

Advogada da União. Especialista em Direito do Estado e em Direito e Economia pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professora no curso de especialização em Direito Público com ênfase em Direito Administrativo da UniRitter - Laureate International Universities. Conferencista na área de licitações e contratações da administração pública.


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How to Cite

DOTTI, Marinês Restelatto. Engineering service: a practical guide for bidding planning. Normative instruction guidelines application SEGES / MPDG N ° 5, OF 2017: Engineering service: a practical guide for bidding planning. Normative instruction guidelines application SEGES / MPDG N ° 5, OF 2017. Journal of Public Law and Infrastructure | RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 4, n. 12, p. 65–140, 2020. DOI: 10.48143/RDAI.12.dotti. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


