DPVAT: does the car insurance need to be compulsory? An institutional-economic approach to the main reasons for compulsory DPVAT insurance
DPVAT: does the car insurance need to be compulsory? An institutional-economic approach to the main reasons for compulsory DPVAT insurance
DPVAT – Mandatory insurance, Legal liability, Economic analysisAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the reasons that would justify, in theory, the imposition by the State of the contracting of DPVAT Insurance by owners of motor vehicles and their potential effects. Some economic activities increase the incidence of potentially harmful acts capable of affecting, directly or indirectly, the legal interest of third parties, which may result in conflicting social interactions. The conclusions indicate that there are several reasons that explain the need for a compulsory DPVAT Insurance, such as the presence of factors such as externality and adverse selection.
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