The limitation of police power by social function: an analysis from Special Remedy n. 1.217.234-PB
The limitation of police power by social function: an analysis from Special Remedy n. 1.217.234-PB
Social role, Police power, Limitation of the State, Right to housingAbstract
Abstract:The social function of ownership and possession is a fundamental duty established by the Constitution and enforced by all persons, whether physical or juridical. One of these repercussions is the limitation of the police power exercised by the State in the pursuit of social welfare. Proof of this is the precedent opened by the Superior Court of Justice when establishing that the administrative act aimed at the administrative demolition of housing inhabited in an area of environmental protection does not enjoy self-executority. However, this precedent does not result in this single aspect, since it is possible to perceive other important repercussions in the State's action, especially two, namely: (i) the possibility of State accountability that fails to observe this determination; and (ii) the prevalence of the social function of ownership or possession exercised over that property, to the detriment of the social welfare pursued by the State Police. Therefore, another instrument guaranteed to the person to the detriment of the Public Administration itself, a true manifestation of the Rule of Law and the dignity of the human person.
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