The economic development crisis in Brazil: impacts of law no. 13,467/2017 and social vulnerability to worker rights
A crise de desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil: impactos da Lei nº 13.467/2017 e a vulnerabilidade social dos direitos do trabalhador
Fundamental right to the balanced work environment, Prohibition of retrogression, Restrictions on fundamental, Rights Economic and Social DevelopmentAbstract
The so-called labor reform, law n. 13.467, enacted in July 2017, brought a new social context and a greater dynamic of the relationship between capital and labor, with numerous direct actions of unconstitutionalities filed in the Supreme Federal Court, with judgments still pending. , in addition to political concerns, it is necessary to analyze the law in times of crisis and the dynamics of economic and social development. Some scientific elements will be presented for the understanding of state legislative regulation, going through the methodological analysis proper to the economy and administration, then, from this perspective, to finally establish greater competitiveness in the face of the great change in the production methods of the 21st century, no affecting the principle of the prohibition of social regression or the irreversibility of fundamental rights. The importance of a “legal” alternative to the model presented by the Federal Government, using the constitutional principle of economic order, from the perspective of normative law, providing for labor legal treatment at full employment, aiming at encouraging the simplification of administrative, tax, social security and credit, or by the simple elimination or reduction of these by means of a more competitive law, without any legal or constitutional obstacle and with the effective participation of the representative entities, mainly of the working class.
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