The limits of judicial assessment (valuation) of interna corporis acts
Os limites da apreciação judicial (valoração) dos atos interna corporis
Interna corporis, Principle of separation of powers, breach of decorum, systems theory, judicialization of politicsAbstract
This article aims to recover the jurisdictional and doctrinal understanding of the judicial limits for the appreciation of acts with an interna corporis legal nature - in the face of a recent manifestation in a different direction by collegiate bodies of the Judiciary. As a guideline for our reflection, a procedure for the cancellation of a councilor's popular mandate, for breach of decorum, by the respective City Council is taken. An attempt will be made to adequately situate what it means to say that the removal of a parliamentary mandate is a substantially political act; the non-existence and impossibility of legal classification in such circumstances; discuss based on Luhmann's theory of systems on autonomy and the functional differentiation between the legal system and the political system in the face of the judicial valuation of the act that violates parliamentary decorum; and finally, on certain aspects and consequences of the judicialization of politics (and judicial activism) that currently contribute to the process of erosion of the democratic regime in our country.
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