Perspectives of infrastructure law with the development of new disruptive (innovations) technologies

Perspectivas do Direito da infraestrutura com o surgimento das novas tecnologias (inovações) disruptivas




Infrastructure law, New Technologies, Innovations, Disruptive


This is an article on the perspectives of infrastructure law with the emergence of new disruptive (innovations) technologies. Initially, it addresses general aspects related to the current conception of infrastructure law, starting from the emergence of the terminologies as infrastructural and infrastructure law. After it, the text discusses about network, focusing on public networks and their interconnection obligation. Then, the article addresses the issue of natural monopoly, as well as construction, financing and investment. Beside it, we bring brief notes on management in public infrastructures. Only then we develop the characteristics of the new disruptive (innovations) technologies and the affectations that those cause to the public infrastructure.

Author Biography

André Saddy, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Professor of administrative law at the Faculty of Law, the Master in Constitutional Law and the Doctorate in Rights, Institutions and Business at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and at the Law Department of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). He holds a European Doctor in “Problemas actuales de Derecho Administrativo” from the Facultad de Derecho of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with the support of the Becas Complutense Predoctorales en España, he studied Post-Doctorate at the Center for Socio-Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford. Master in Public Administration from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, with support from the Alßan Program, the European Union High Level Scholarship Program for Latin America. He has a postgraduate degree in Public Regulation and Competition from the Center for Studies in Public Law and Regulation (CEDIPRE) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. He is a consulting member of the Special Committee on Administrative Law of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (CFOAB); Vice-President of the Institute of Administrative Law of Rio de Janeiro (IDARJ); founding members of the Institute of Sanctioning Administrative Law (IDASAN); Director-President of the Center for Legal Empirical Studies (CEEJ); Creator and Coordinator of the Research, Teaching and Extension Group in Contemporary Administrative Law (GDAC); Founding partner of Saddy Advogados, consultant and referee.
E-mail: | ORCID iD icon  0000-0002-3928-0658


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How to Cite

SADDY, André. Perspectives of infrastructure law with the development of new disruptive (innovations) technologies: Perspectivas do Direito da infraestrutura com o surgimento das novas tecnologias (inovações) disruptivas. Journal of Public Law and Infrastructure | RDAI, São Paulo: Thomson Reuters | Livraria RT, v. 2, n. 6, p. 23–47, 2018. DOI: 10.48143/rdai/ Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


