The plantations in urban buildings: a contemporary promotion of sustainable infrastructure
The plantations in urban buildings: a contemporary promotion of sustainable infrastructure
Vertical Farm, Fiscal Incentive, EnvironmentAbstract
The objective of this research is to establish new forms of urban zoning, with an emphasis on establishing socioeconomic activity through the diffusion of vertical farms in urban perimeters, and it is up to the Municipality to promote public policies in order to encourage its occurrence, given that it is a technique that, in addition to establishing an ecologically balanced environment, enables human development. It is understood that a public policy of fiscal incentive especially focused on extrafiscality, allowed the Municipalities to attract companies that have specialty and dominion in this type of practice, growing: vegetables, vegetables and other agricultural activities, by means of the vertical plantation technique, while that these will be forced to insert low-income people into their productive input. According to Article 170 of the Federal Constitution, the primary function of the State, in what concerns the economic order, is to establish a development of the economy emphasizing the value of human labor and free initiative, in order to ensure a dignified coexistence between justice social, environmental protection in line with public policies to boost the economy. Therefore, it is more appropriate to encourage economic agents to disseminate practices that prevent or reduce environmental degradation, while encouraging the expansion of food in the urban environment as a healthy way of innovating their space.
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