Titles score in public competition: comments on the judgment pronounced in MS 33.527-RJ
Titles score in public competition: comments on the judgment pronounced in MS 33.527-RJ
Mandate for Security 33 - 527/RJ, Public tender, Titles score, Notary or register activityAbstract
This article aims to make an analysis the decision handed down by the Federal Supreme Court in the Mandate of Security 33.527 – Rio de Janeiro. This is a mandated action filed against the decision of the National Council of Justice in a public competition for evidence and titles to grant delegations of notarial and/or registration activities of the State of Rio de Janeiro, which was conducted by the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis refers to the attribution of points in titles, based on Resolution CNJ 81/2009. The result of the judgment was that the 1st. Group, by majority, denied the order and revoked the injunction, prevailing the understanding of the National Council of Justice regarding the attribution of the points.
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